Political Economy Talk by Dr. William Dunkelberg

The Philadelphia Chapter for the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) hosted a lecture by economist Dr. William Dunkelberg on “How will this Election impact Policy Financial Markets and Growth?” at Bryn Mawr College on Tuesday November 29. The event was not affiliated with the college, so I had not known that the event was happening. A friend of mine has an aunt who organizes AAII events and invited me to come along. Economics is not really my specialty, but I was interested in the subject and thought it would be worthwhile to learn more about finances.

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Thanksgiving Break 2016

I spent my final Thanksgiving break of my undergraduate career with friends and family in my hometown Ridgewood, NJ. Thanksgiving is the final mini break before finals and the end of the fall semester, so I gladly took my rest and ate my good food in good company. Here’s the super concise debriefing of my short break:IMG_6310 Continue reading

Catching up with Amanda (BMC’16)

Last Tuesday November 22, I got the chance to catch up with my good friend Amanda (BMC’16) who is a current grad student at University of Pennsylvania’s Urban Spatial Analytics masters program. Although Amanda was a cities major at Bryn Mawr and I am a physics major, we managed to share one 20th century Eastern European history course together last fall semester. We also knew each other through working on the Bryn Mawr Concert Series board. We grabbed dinner at Ochatto near Penn’s campus, and I listened to her candid opinions on life after Bryn Mawr.IMG_6302

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Fall Student Dance Concert 2016

This weekend, I performed in my last Fall Student Dance Concert (FSDC) of my undergraduate career. Although I was only in one dance piece, the night was memorable and I will miss being a part of such an inclusive dance community. The best part about FSDC is the variety and depth of talent in the Bi-Co student choreography and dancing. Independent choreographers and dance clubs always bring their all for a packed audience in Marshall Auditorium. I performed in a Choom Boom K-Pop G-Friend medley of Navillera and Rough. 15032901_10155102627567923_8892304367301927142_n Continue reading

Asian Mosaic Fund & AAPIP Gathering

On Friday November 18, I ventured out to Philly for the Asian Mosaic Fund and Asian American Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) gathering. Friends of mine I knew from volunteering in the Philly Asian American community invited me. Although the crowded was a little older, I think it was good to introduce myself to a different crowd of involved Asian Americans. FullSizeRender 12 Continue reading

LILAC Lunch with Dr. Natalie Gosnell & Allison Schill

In a rare series of events, I have managed to eat at Wyndham for lunch 2 times in 1 week! Make that 2 times in 2 days! Thanks to LILAC for their stellar lineup of successful women in the working force, I had the opportunity to eat lunch with Dr. Natalie Gosnell on Thursday November 17 and Allison Schill (BMC ’99) on Friday November 18. Dr. Gosnell is an observational astrophysicist and visiting assistant professor at Colarodo College. Schill is the Regional Brand Director at Enbrel, Pfizer Latin America.img_8659 Continue reading

Lunch with Photographer Kris Graves

On Wednesday November 16, photographer Kris Graves joined Dean Walters’s weekly lunch discussion as a special guest. He shared insights on his inspiration for his work and the process behind his latest exhibit Testament Project, which is on display in the Canaday Library Class of 1912 Rare Book Room (until December 18). Graves is currently a New York based photographer, Studio Manager at Guggenheim Museum, and Adjunct Professor, Parsons School of Design, New York.Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 2.02.09 PM Continue reading

Women in Medical Research Panel

On Tuesday November 15, the Health Professions Advisors hosted a panel on women in medical research. The panel featured 3 women at different stages of their medical careers who spoke to students about pathways into medical research, trends among women in the field, and advice on balancing professional and personal lives.FullSizeRender

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Bi-Co Theater: Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl

The Theater Program of Bryn Mawr and Haverford College’s Fall production of Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl opened this weekend. The story is a modern adaptation of the classic Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice told from Eurydice’s perspective. Students are involved in every aspect of bringing the production to life, from the acting, to assisting in lighting and set design, to collaborating with the theater faculty directors. I had the chance to watch the play on opening night, and I highly recommend going to see it for yourself during one of the remaining shows November 17-19.


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“Save My Seoul” Screening

On Wednesday November 9th, the Bryn Mawr College chapter of Liberty in North Korea screened the Jubilee Project documentary film “Save My Seoul” on sex trafficking in South Korea. Jubilee Project is a nonprofit that produces films and short films to aims to increase awareness around social justice issues. Director of the film Jason Lee, who graduated from the University or Pennsylvania, was also present for a Q & A at the end of the film. Students from Bryn Mawr, Villanova, Drexel, and UPenn attended the event.IMG_6187 Continue reading