LILAC hosts an international Skype series where students have the opportunity to talk to alums who work abroad. Last Wednesday, the Skype series featured Kate Severance ‘12 English, Instructional Designer at Interactive Services Dublin, Ireland. I was interested in talking to Kate because this summer I interned with Bryn Mawr College’s Mellon Digital Curriculum Initiative. I am also on the working group for the Tri-Co Re:Humanities Conference, which showcases undergraduate work in digital scholarship.
Monthly Archives: October 2015
On Freelance Writing: A Discussion with Rachel Monroe
On Monday, writer Rachel Monroe came to Haverford to talk to students about being a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and occasional radio host based in Marfa, TX. She writes about things like crime, books, border issues, and utopian experiments for the New York Times, New York, Oxford American, Texas Monthly, Guardian, The Believer, the Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus, and host of other places.
A Talk with Pete Stern, Holocaust Survivor
On Wednesday, my Topics in 20th Century European History: National Proj, Socialist Dream class, along with the Topics In German Cultural Studies: Remembered Violence class, had the opportunity to talk to Holocaust survivor Pete Stern. My history class had just wrapped up World War I, and we are currently learning about the interwar period and the rise of Nazism.

I designed this GERMB223 poster
Mr. Stern was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1936. His brother Samuel, born in 1939, was named Samuel because of the Nuremberg Laws, which required all Jewish children to be named after the Bible’s 1st Testament. His father was a well known auto mechanic, a detail which would greatly affect the family’s story. When his father’s auto mechanic place went out of business, he shifted to teaching auto mechanics to the Jewish school.
Family Weekend
This past weekend was a very busy weekend: Trisha Brown Dance Company performances, Shakespeare Performance Troupe’s Star Wars, and… Family Weekend. I like to say that Family Weekend is the time for the school to convince parents that spending that much money to send their child to (insert college name) was worth it. Parents are given the opportunity to sit in on classes, tour the campus, tour Philadelphia, attend panels on student resources such as LILAC, Study Abroad, and Pre-Health Advising, attend faculty talks, participate in family friendly fun activities, and taste test Bryn Mawr’s award winning dining services.
My dad came to visit me this Saturday. In past years, my mom, dad, and sister all came to Family Weekend, but this year my mom was traveling with my grandma and my sister was finally in college herself. For many students who live far away from campus, parents might not see the campus until Parents Weekend, or until graduation. Just two weeks ago, my parents flew to Minnesota to visit my sister for Carleton’s Parents Weekend. Fresh from that trip, my dad had a comparison of what other college parents weekends are like, and Bryn Mawr performed very well.
Trisha Brown: Proscenium Works, 1979-2011
The Trisha Brown Dance Company performed Proscenium Works, 1979-2011 in the Bryn Mawr Goodhart Auditorium this past Friday and Saturday nights.
This was a very big deal because the performance is part of the Bryn Mawr College Performing Arts Series Trisha Brown: In the New Body, “a yearlong festival of the innovative choreographer’s artistry” through performances, classes, lectures, and exhibition.
Colorism Discussion with A/ASA + SAS
Last night, the Asian American Students Association (A/ASA) and South Asian Students (SAS) hosted a discussion on skin color discrimination within Asian communities. This is a very serious problem within our communities, and I was glad both affinity groups joined together in solidarity to share experiences and different perspectives.
Colorism: Discrimination against individuals with darker skin tone, typically among the same ethnic or racial group.
Some of the questions we considered were: Continue reading
A Visit to My Vassar Sister (kind of)
The still-thinking-about-fall-break post …
One of the highlights of my fall break was going to Vassar College to see my boyfriend. He wasn’t able to go home this fall break because he is from California. It was pretty easy to get to Vassar via public transportation. I took NJTransit from my home to Penn Station, walked to Grand Central, then took the Metro North to Poughkeepsie — all within 3 hours and 45 minutes. My best friend from my hometown goes to Marist College and has a car, so she picked me up from the train station, grabbed lunch at Rossi’s Deli with me, and drove me to Vassar. Continue reading
Obligatory Fall Break Post
Fall break is finally upon us! Let us bask in this week of no classes until midterms (part 2) hit us again…
(Fall break is a privilege. Most schools do not have a fall break. If they do have a fall break, it’s usually just a 3 or 4 day weekend, not a full week enjoyed by the lucky few private liberal arts colleges and universities. )
What do Mawrters do over fall break? Some of us study, some of us don’t. Some of us go home or travel, some of us can’t. Some of us have to stay on campus because those taking UPenn classes still have class. Some of us have to stay on campus because they live too far away. Most of us are happy it’s fall break.
Chinatown Night Market
Tonight, Chinatown’s streets were transformed into a crowd of food trucks and food stands, music, entertainment, and more for the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp. Night Market.
Night markets are popular food and entertainment attractions in Asia, especially among the young people who like to go out late. Unlike tonight’s temporary pop-up night market in Philly, night markets in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China, etc. are permanent structures. I hope to travel to Asia someday to experience an authentic night market, but for now, this is the closest I will get.
Trisha Brown: (Re)framing collaboration
As a treat to myself for finishing not 1, but 2 midterms today, I took the time to visit the Bryn Mawr Canaday gallery for the exhibition on the art of Trisha Brown and her collaborators.
Trisha Brown: In the Body is a yearlong festival of exhibition, performances, classes, and lectures hosted by a collaboration between Bryn Mawr College Performing Arts Series and The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage. (Additional partners include Pennsylvania Ballet, The Barnes Foundation, Drexel, and WHYY). I must have been living under a rock because I actually did not know this project was such a big deal until I did some research on my own. The exhibit was curated by Academic Liaison for the Art and Artifact Collections Matthew Feliz and Academic Liaison for Art and Artifacts/Visiting Lecturer Brian Wallace. I would like to help spread news of this project to the undergraduate community, so I’m blogging about it here.