Fall Student Dance Concert 2016

This weekend, I performed in my last Fall Student Dance Concert (FSDC) of my undergraduate career. Although I was only in one dance piece, the night was memorable and I will miss being a part of such an inclusive dance community. The best part about FSDC is the variety and depth of talent in the Bi-Co student choreography and dancing. Independent choreographers and dance clubs always bring their all for a packed audience in Marshall Auditorium. I performed in a Choom Boom K-Pop G-Friend medley of Navillera and Rough. 15032901_10155102627567923_8892304367301927142_nShow directors Joy Chan and Kyra Sagel (both BMC ’17) and the FSDC board put in a lot of work to make this show happen. (I played a minor role by designing the poster.) Behind all the dancing is practice, budgeting, tech, organization, and lots of emails and Google Drive. The show featured 23 dance pieces in styles ranging from ballet, to hip hop, lyrical, South Asian, Latino, and more. There was a surprise temporary power outage, a brief intermission, and a small snack reception following the show. Most students involved are Bryn Mawr students and female, but I think the show gets more diverse and stronger each year.15095429_10155102620787923_1287365675499128506_n

When I was not performing, I watched the rest of the show from the balcony and attempted to take photos. Dance photography is pretty difficult because your subjects always move. It requires good timing and a good camera. I really enjoyed pieces by Pulso Latino and the lyrical pieces. It slightly made me wish I was in more pieces, but I know I have many more performances to dance in next semester.


After the show, it started to snow/rain. Choom Boom celebrated with a small party at co-president Matey’s apartment in Haverford. When I graduate, I will miss the people I danced with just as much as dancing.


Joy and Kyra have promised to get photographs and videos of the show up either over Thanksgiving or Winter break, so stay tuned…