NPR Ask Me Another at Haverford College

NPR listeners and fans in the Bi-Co gathered this Friday night November 4th at Haverford’s Marshall Auditorium for the first collegiate taping of the popular trivia game show Ask Me Another. The show was hosted by NPR’s Ophira Eisenberg, Jonathon Coulton, and Art Chung and featured four Haverford student contestants, with guest appearances by Eugene Mirman of Bob’s Burgers and the inventor of the Choco Taco Alan Drazen. This event was brought to Haverford College by the Haverford Speakers Committee and was free and open to the public.FullSizeRender 3 Continue reading

Homemade Pastillas with Barkada

In the spirit of Halloween, Bi-Co Barkada hosted a Pastillas candy making workshop on Saturday October 29 in the Haverford Multicultural Center. Pastillas is a traditional Filipino milk candy made of condensed milk and powdered milk. They are sometimes flavored with chocolate, various fruits, and teas. The simple recipe makes it impossible to mess up.14568058_652491644929324_7519129100271840562_n Continue reading

CPGC Post-Internship Dinner

On Thursday night, I attended the Haverford College CPGC Post-Internship Dinner to discuss my final reflections on my summer in China and to listen to others share their summer experiences. There were about 40 of us Bi-Co interns and Haverford House Fellows who spent their summers volunteering in the USA and abroad in over 8 different countries. Over a pizza and brownies dinner, we discussed instances where we felt we did good, where we felt privileged, lonely, happy, etc.unnamed
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Extreme Keys & S-chords Concert

Last night, the Bryn Mawr Extreme Keys and Haverford S-chords hosted a joint concert to celebrate their new members. The twist was that the S-chord new members had no idea they were going to be blind folded and led to the Radnor common room at Bryn Mawr to perform on the spot. The concert was an exemplary Bi-Co collaboration between two popular student run acapella groups.unnamed-4

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Getting Ready for Spring Dance Concert 2016

This week is tech week for the Bryn Mawr College Dance Department’s Annual Spring Dance Concert. Bryn Mawr and Haverford dancers, faculty choreographers, and theater lighting and backstage managers all work together to prepare for the show this weekend April 23 & 24 in Goodhart. It is a stressful and tiring time of the year, including schoolwork, but we somehow manage to get through 3 hour rehearsals, costume fittings, lighting design, getting used to stage spacing, etc…


That’s me in the center from African Ensemble in the Spring Dance Concert 2014.

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Announcing My Summer 2016 Plans!

I am pleased to announce that I will be spending this summer in Nanjing, Xian, and Hong Kong! I will travel to Nanjing and Xian as part of Haverford College’s Center for Peace and Global Justice (CPGC) partnership with Amity Foundation, a Chinese Christian NGO. The four of us student interns (3 from BMC, 1 from HC) will volunteer at community centers in Nanjing for the elderly and autistic children. We will then travel to rural Xian to assist in teaching English to middle school children. After the program, I plan on visiting family in Hong Kong. I am also very excited because this will be my first time in Asia.


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King Lear Performance by Bryn Mawr Theater

Tonight I watched the Bryn Mawr Theater Department’s production of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Students involved in this production, either acting or managing backstage, were part of the Bryn Mawr 360° Program “Shakespeare in Global and Local Landscapes.” They had the opportunity to work with 8th graders in Philadelphia learning Shakespeare in the modern urban context and to travel to Iceland to understand the changeable forces of nature.
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