Lunar Love Party

Asian student groups from Temple, Villanova, Drexel, and Bryn Mawr (the Bryn Mawr Korean Students Association) host a couple parties every school year in Philadelphia. The last time I attended one of their events was my first year at Bryn Mawr. I decided to give these intercollegiate Asian parties another chance last Friday night. Continue reading

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day. Whether you treat today as date night, girls night out, or self-care day, it’s just another day in the exciting journey called life. I’m sure you are wondering how students at a women’s college celebrate Valentine’s Day (if they even celebrate it at all). Sorry to disappoint you, but there’s no generalized way we Mawrters spend our Valentine’s Days. Here’s how I spent mine this year…

from a wise fortune cookie I snacked on today in class

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