I have been waking up early this entire week either for class or meetings, but I made the effort to wake up early this Saturday morning to attend the LILAC coffee session in the Wyndham Blue Room with Stephanie Eisenbarth M.D. Ph.D (BMC’96). I was curious about her path as a “double doctor” and her views of her Bryn Mawr education.
Category Archives: Bryn Mawr
Showing My Friend’s Sister Around Bryn Mawr
On Friday, my friend from high school’s younger sister and her parents toured Bryn Mawr. My friend’s sister is only a junior in high school, but I see high potential in her to become a strong, successful Mawrter. I had the honor of showing them around.
King Lear Performance by Bryn Mawr Theater
Tonight I watched the Bryn Mawr Theater Department’s production of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Students involved in this production, either acting or managing backstage, were part of the Bryn Mawr 360° Program “Shakespeare in Global and Local Landscapes.” They had the opportunity to work with 8th graders in Philadelphia learning Shakespeare in the modern urban context and to travel to Iceland to understand the changeable forces of nature.
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Pen Y Groes Lunch with Elizabeth Niemeyer ’94 and Emily McNabb ’07
On Friday March 18, Elizabeth Niemeyer (Physics ‘94, University of Texas JD) and Emily McNabb (Mathematics AB/MA ’07, Wharton MBA) came to Bryn Mawr to talk about their career paths as part of the Pen Y Groes lunch series hosted by President Kim Cassidy. Niemeyer is a Patent Lawyer at Finnegan in D.C. and McNabb is a consultant at McKinsey & Company, Philadelphia. Most of the student attendees were Math majors. There were three Physics majors present.
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East vs. West Party
I’m not really the party-going type, but I was curious to see what East vs. West would be like this year, so I stopped by for an hour and left. Half of that time was spent waiting on line to get in, the other half was dancing in the dark with my friends. I feel like the average prospective student wants a genuine picture of what the party scene is like at women’s colleges like Bryn Mawr and colleges in general.
Here are a few things you should know about the East vs. West party:
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Re:Humanities, Day 2: Presentations + Moya Bailey Workshop
Yesterday was the second and final day of Re:Humanities 2016: Bleeding Edge to Cutting Edge. (For Day 1, read here.) The day was filled with undergraduate student presentations and a workshop led by Moya Bailey, a Dean’s postdoctoral scholar of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Digital Humanities at Northeastern University.
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Re:Humanities, Day 1: Marisa Parham Keynote + Poster Session
Today, Re:Humanities 2016: Bleeding Edge to Cutting Edge started. I am part of the Re:Hum Working Group, comprised of students from Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore Colleges, and we have assembled a fantastic series of presentations by undergraduates engaging with contemporary currents in digital humanities and scholars who both apply digital methodologies in traditional humanities research while posing critical questions about those technologies.
Pulso Latino Showcase
Last Saturday night was the Pulso Latino Showcase. The student-run Latin dance group also celebrated their 10th anniversary.
Advice on Finding Summer Internships
It’s March Madness. No, not college basketball season. Internship finding season. People post on Facebook where they got accepted, you hover over your email waiting for an acceptance, others scramble to get their last minute applications in… Sound familiar? As I approach my third and final summer as an undergrad student, I reflect on a thing or two I’ve learned along the way.
Between Physics and Theater
Last week, Bryn Mawr Communications interviewed Theater major Samantha Wall’17 about her experience taking welding lessons in the Park Science Machine Shop. Coincidentally, I am having the reverse experience as a Physics major, also class of 2017, taking the Physics Electronics Lab and the Fundamentals of Technical Theater classes this semester.