Parade Night

A new year, a new start to the traditions cycle. First up, Parade Night. Held on the first Friday of the first week of classes, Bryn Mawr first years rush through Pembroke Arch and the friendship poles into the welcoming crowd of sophomores throwing confetti, juniors gently throwing candy, and seniors watching and cheering from the Taylor Hall senior steps.unnamed-2My freshman year was the last year sophomores were allowed to throw water (in the form of water balloons, water guns, and buckets) at the first years. Changes have been made over the years, but the hype is still there. After the first years rush through, the class years organize around a square. Then the songs mistresses start Step Singing. This often takes a while because the first years are a little confused about what to do next and the upperclassmen are a little tipsy. The night processes into singing through the song book, lots of surprises, anass-ing, and lantern lit goodnights.



For me, the traditions only strengthened my love for this school. I was super enthusiastic about traditions my first year. During my first year, upperclassmen still told us to run for Parade Night, so of course I brought out my running shorts and running sneakers. Here’s a flashback picture of me and some of my customs group from after Parade Night. As always, traditions at Bryn Mawr are totally optional. You are to participate at the level you feel most comfortable at. Traditions are not hazing.


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