Re:Humanities 2016 Call For Papers!

It’s also that time of year again… the Re:Humanities 2016 Call for Papers! I am part of the working group, comprised of students from the Tri-Colleges (Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore), who puts together an annual 2-day digital humanities conference of undergraduate presentations and keynotes by prominent digital humanities researchers. We are now in the process of sending out the CFP (Call for Papers) and waiting for submissions. ReHum-14-BlackConference: March 31-April 1, 2016 at Bryn Mawr College
Submission Deadline: January 1, 2016 (Midnight GMT)

Re:Humanities is the first national digital humanities conference of, for, and by undergraduates, now in its sixth year. Our theme for Re:Humanities 2016 is “Bleeding Edge to Cutting Edge.” The Re:Hum Working Group seeks undergraduates who engage with contemporary currents in digital humanities. (Read the FULL CFP here)

This year’s theme is “Bleeding Edge to Cutting Edge.” Some questions to consider include:

  • How does the concept of failure shape the process of success?
  • Where does Digital Humanities as a field lie on the spectrum between bleeding and cutting edge?
  • Are the terms mutually exclusive or can they exist in a productive relationship with each other?
  • What happens to good ideas that do not work?

What is digital humanities? Digital humanities is the area of research and analysis on the intersections between technology and the humanities. This could mean exploration of new media, alternative ways of archiving information, privacy and data, digital storytelling, etc. It’s a relatively new field of research, but it’s actively growing. In a way, it bridges the sciences and humanities into one.

How did I get involved with Re:Humanities? I’ve been involved with the working group since Fall 2015. A fellow Mawrter, who was also on the Bryn Mawr Asian American Students Association executive board with me, introduced me to the working group. I have always been interested in digital humanities and new media practices, but I don’t actually know much about digital humanities, nor have I taken a class involving digital humanities (Physics major, pre-nursing schedule is too tight). Other than deciding on a conference theme and reading over the submissions, most of the work organizing Re:Humanities does not involve a background in digital humanities. It involved more conference planning and logistics. There’s budgeting, space reservations, food catering, participant lodging, and lots of emailing and social media marketing. I still enjoy meeting the new people I get to work with and listening to other people’s research in digital humanities at the conference.

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